Sort Files Properly in ASCII Ordering

There's a little fault in Win Explorer sorting system. By default,a file, say, 'File_v2.txt' will be placed before 'File_v15. txt',but that's not ASCII ordering. What If the 'v' refers to a version number, and the File_v15.txt should come first as a latest version? Certainly Explorer's default sorting system doesn't work at all here. Follow the simple steps to get the ASCII ordering system:

1. First of all find the regedit.exe from the C Drive (C:/PROGRAM FILES) and execute it.
2. Now browse to 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer'.
3. Then create a DWORD value called 'NoStrCmpLogical' and set the value to 1.
4. Thats it. You are done. If you ever wish to get back the default sorting system, just delete the key.

Disclaimer: Before doing any change to regedit, always create a System Restore Point to Avoid any data loss.

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