Duck hunt
Search Engines, Alternative to Google


No doubt that Google is the best Search Engine in the World. But there are some matters that make us find other search engines! So here is the list of some popular and great SEs.


1. DUCK DUCK GO  Duck Duck Go is totally a simple Search Engine that slightly looks like Google. But what  differs it from Google or other usual SEs is that it contains less spam, and it
Duck Duck Gogives You  information in 'Zero-click', that is all the results remains in the very first page. And it really understands better whatever you are looking for!


2. YIPPY  Yippy is a Deep Web engine. It even searches other search engines for you. Regular SEs are indexed by robot spider programs, but Deep Web pages are harder to search by these Yippy LogoSEs. That's where Yippy is neccesary. If you are looking for some Hard-to-Find things or Unusual matters then for sure yippy is your search tool.


3. Dogpile Before Google was invented, Dogpile was the first and best choice for searching the DogPile Logoworld wide web. But Dogpile then faded, and Google became the King of WWW. Again Dogpile is returning back with a clean, user friendly presentation. It is going to amaze you. Try it now!


4. Mahalo Mahalo is one of the best SEs on the WWW, that runs manually, by a group of Mahalo Logoeditors working on it. It will give a lot fewer results than other SEs Give, but it surely will give you a clear and better result. So Try it Now!!

Others Search Engines You May Like Are:: Bing , WebopediaThe Internet Archive.